Legacy: A Digital Fortress for Your Wealth

  • icon-digital-vault

    Decentralized Vault on the blockchain.

  • icon-no-footprint

    Minting Legacy leaves no carbon footprint.

  • icon-mint-own-rewards

    No middlemen - you own and mint your rewards.

  • icon-price-up-legacy

    Designed to go up and to the right 10,000x!


New DeFi Diamond just landed!

Legacy is a decentralized smart contract protocol. Think of it as Bitcoin’s cool younger sibling who went to business school and learned a few new tricks. The reason Legacy has been created is to allow people to preserve the monetary energy that they created and store the value of their wealth in a digital piggy bank on a blockchain and protect yourself against inflationary nature of our FIAT system.

You can mint Legacy by running piece of secure code on your computer or on your phone once and waiting anywhere from 1 to 280 days - you decide how long you want to wait. After that you can mint your own rewards by running the same code again. You are rewarded if you commit to wait longer for the rewards. The longer you wait, to more rewards you get.

  • icon-green-process-accordion
    Create a new wallet

    Download & Install the MetaMask wallet extension on a desktop browser like Chrome. You can store Legacy on Ethereum blockchain using this wallet.

  • icon-fund-wallet
    Fund the wallet with ETH

    If you have a fresh wallet you will have to first fund your account with ETH. You can buy ETH using MetaMask in-wallet features or by sending ETH from exchanges.

  • icon-hire-builder
    Hire Virtual Builder

    Go to legacy.win (Launching soon...) and hire your first builder. Builder is going to mint Legacy for you. If you want to start with one full builder then you will need 0.2 ETH in your wallet.

Here is how you get started

  • 65%

    ETH Yield
  • 31%

  • 100%

    Fair Launched

Choose what you want to learn about Legacy

  • How can I explain LEGACY to my mother?

    Hey mom! So you want to understand what Legacy is? Think of Legacy as the modern equivalent of a treasure chest, but instead of gold coins, it's filled with magical digital beans. These beans aren’t physical, so don’t try to plant them in your garden or store them under your mattress. They live on the internet and are called LEGACY tokens. But in order to open the treasure chest you need to first wait anywhere from 1 to 280 days. If you wait longer then the chest will be bigger at the end.

  • Is LEGACY similar to Bitcoin?

    It is! LEGACY has been designed to resemble Bitcoin and outperform it. Legacy just like Bitcoin has a finite supply. You can mine Bitcoin with hardware. In Legacy you build virtual builders who mine the Legacy for you. Bitcoin has difficulty mechanism and so does Legacy. Bitcoin has 4-year halvings, Legacy has it on a daily basis. In addition, Legacy offers staking rewards for those who decide to delay their gratification. There are many more features that you can uncover by reading further about Legacy.

  • Can't I just simply buy Legacy?

    Inititally it won't be possible to buy Legacy just like it was not possible to buy Bitcoin back in 2008. In the beginning, Legacy will be only available through virtual minting by hiring builders. Those builders will mint Legacy for you, however, you need to first wait anywhere between 1 to 280 days.

  • Is Legacy a Ponzi?

    A Ponzi scheme promises high returns that it sustains for a while by stealing deposits from new people coming in and offering them to the previous people. It fails when it can't meet its obligations anymore. It is often combined with some cover story that high returns are guaranteed through some magic algorithm or AI trading bot doing the work.

    In Legacy, the yield which is paid to virtual builders comes only from inflation and not other users. This inflation is programmed into Legacy smart contract in a similar way to Bitcoin. It is said that last Bitcoin will be mined around the year 2140. In Legacy last tokens will be minted around 2028/2029. After that year it won't be possible to create more Legacy and you will only be able to buy it off the market. You mint your own rewards by interacting with the contract. No one owes anybody anything. You only owe yourself to mint your own rewards in the future. So to answer the question, Legacy has been designed in such a way that it cannot be a Ponzi Scheme.

  • Why should anyone buy Legacy

    There will always be demand for yield and profit regardless if we are talking about stocks, commodities or crypto. The smart money will find it's ways into assets that appreciate fast.

    In crypto there will always be Top100 as long as these tokens offer some value. Some or a lot of these tokens one might not like but those tokens came from somewhere to Top100. The market decided that they should be there. If you were not buying the Top100 tokens that means these were your lost opportunities.

    In 2016 the total Market Cap of Crypto was at 11 Billion $ - that was the average. In 2018 it was at 110 Billion $ - that was the bottom. In 2021 it was at 2.73 Trillion $ - that was the top. In 2022 it was at 850 Billion $ - and that was the bottom. Do you see a trend here? More money will flow into this market and the money that doesn't flow into Bitcoin will flow into other tokens so there will always be someone who is willing to allocate their monetary energy into Legacy.

  • Is Legacy connected to BuildOnTitanX?

    Although Legacy doesn't fully tick all the points needed to be considered a project that builds on top of TitanX, Legacy's is going to support burning of TitanX by sending 10% of the total ETH fees in the Legacy protocol to TitanX's Buy&Burn smart contract. So if you are a TitanX supporter, by allocating your position in Legacy you support TitanX protocol as well.

  • Can I stake Legacy?

    Yes you can! Legacy staking system has been designed to reward those willing to wait before they reap the fruit of their labour. The longer you stake the more shares you are going to get. The more you stake, the more shares you are going to get. Shares decide how much % of the total ETH rewards circulating in the Legacy ecosystem are going to get allocated to your address. You can stake anywhere from 28 days to 3500 days.

  • Can I modify my Stake?

    No, there is no way to modify your stake once it has started. You can end it prematurely, but this should be done only if it is absolutely necessary as it will cost you a penalty.

  • When do I get paid the staking rewards?

    When your Paycheck arrives! Legacy staking reward system is unique. You not only get paid regularly but also you get paid in ETH. Legacy has 4 Payday cycles, 28 days, 90 days, 369 days and 888 days. If you have Legacy staked, each time you reach PayDay a portion of the rewards will be available for as a Paycheck payout. Your rewards from each PayDay are accumulated and you can withdraw them at any point. Legacy Paychecks are in ETH so even if you want to witdraw some of the rewards and exchange them for $$$ you are not hurting the price of Legacy by selling.

  • Can I have multiple Stakes?

    Yes. You can have up to 1000 stakes for 1 single address. Many Stakers build a "Staking ladder" strategy by spreading out the end of their Stakes over time so they always have some Legacy coming out. If you are not sure how to build such a strategy ask our community!

  • Where can I learn more about Legacy and related projects?

    You can always dive deeper into our Litepaper (launching soon...) where more of the concepts are explained in details showing you how some of the smart contract functions work.

  • Is there a roadmap for Legacy?

    Because Legacy smart contracts require no further feature development, there is no roadmap needed. Legacy is considered complete as is. Don't expect any work from other users.